Indian Navy Agniveer Complete Syllabus 2024 PDF

Introduction Indian Navy has released the Agniveer MR Admit Card 2023 for the SSR & MR Examination. The written exam is a computer-based test comprising objective-type questions with multiple-choice answers. The online written exam for Matric Recruits (MR) will have two sections: Science & Math and General Awareness. The question paper will be of 10th standard and the duration will be 30 minutes. Agniveer Navy Exam Pattern The Indian Navy Agniveer (SSR AR) exam pattern is crucial to understand before appearing for the written examination. It helps you streamline your preparation by providing insights into the number of sections, marks weightage, and other important details. This way, you can prioritize and focus on the important topics and improve your chances of scoring well on the exam. The written examination is a computer-based test, comprising objective-type multiple-choice questions. It is conducted in both English and Hindi, with one mark assigned to each correct a...